"Finding Lucky Wish" - an interesting interactive game on top magazine for youth 2!

With every 2! magazine item, reader will have chance to get a small lovely wish bag to start a season "Back to school" with full of luckiness.

How to play:
- Target: HCMC's readers (almost they are teenagers)
- Cut the image of "Four Leaf Clover" - Tu Diep Thao or Xa Truc Thao, a kind of lucky and happy symbol then bring it to changing points on the map
-> A great way to PR for those shops join the game, this is also a chance for them to introduce their shop to the magazine's readers by giving some discount for shopping at their shop.

There are some legends about "Four Leaft Clover":
- The first legend: the 1st leaf for FAMILY, the 2nd leaft for FRIENDSHIP, the 3rd leaft for LOVE, and the 4th leaf for HAPPINESS
- The second legend: the 1st leaf for TRUE LOVE, the 2nd leaft for HEALTH, the 3rd leaft for WORK, and the 4th leaf for WEALTH

Well, wish that I have chance to find a "Four Leaf Clover" for me ....
