Japan Google Popular Searches

Not a lot of love in the left hand column.

I came across an interesting picture showing a comparison of searches in Japanese on Google for “husband” and “wife”. It looks like the women who I assume are searching for “husband” related topics are experiencing some dark times, while the husbands searching for “wife” related topics are still up beat about things.

Here are some rough translations of what’s hot.

Searching under “husband”

•husband, I want him to die

•husband, I hate him

•husband, allowance, average

•husband, verbal violence

•husband, allowance

•husband, how to call (his name)

•husband, dead, procedures

•husband, depression

•husband, out of work

•husband, dead, pension
Doesn’t sound like the wives are that keen on having the husbands around. Either they are searching for ways to have them dead or looking over procedures for what to do after they have died. Life is tough!
Searching under “wife”
•wife, birthday present

•wife, birthday present ranking

•wife, present

•wife, hysteria

•wife, how to call (her name)

•wife, depression

•wife, present ranking

•wife, documents not received

•wife, shochu (sake)

Both lists have the word うつ meaning depressed or depression in them. Looks like a growing trend in Japanese society at the moment.

The English equivalents were a little more bright.

This looks a little more promising for both parties, although wife swap might catch on in Japan if offered
and some results from the UK

What do the searches look like where you live? What would your top search be for one of these phrases?

Souce: Shibuya blog
